Mercury Toxicity

Mercury Toxicity

Learn more about the nature and dangers of mercury toxicity. Mercury exists in various forms; metallic or elemental, inorganic forms such as mercuric chloride, methyl, and ethyl chloride. The various forms have different toxic effects on different parts of the body such as the nervous system, digestive system, immune system. It also affects the...

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Inflammation and Joint Pain

Inflammation and Joint Pain

What causes inflammation and joint pain? Medical Definition of inflammation A local response to cellular injury that is marked by capillary dilatation, leukocytic infiltration, redness, heat, pain, swelling, and often the loss of function and that serves as a mechanism initiating the elimination of noxious agents and of damaged tissue. Acute...

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Sugar is Not Sweet to Your Body

Sugar is Not Sweet to Your Body

Sugar health issues can cause significant damage to your body. I advice all my clients not to eat any refined sugar. It has been well established that sugar suppresses your immune system for up to 5 hours after consumption. You can imagine what happens to our immune system when we eat sugar several times a

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Your Complete Guide to CBD

Your Complete Guide to CBD

Brief History of CBD Oil Many people assume that CBD is a new and innovative supplement, however, CBD has a rich history. Roger Adams, a chemistry professor at the University of Illinois first discovered CBD in the 1940s. Adams separated CBD oil from the hemp plant to study its properties and found it had many

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